Mondo Computer Solutions Ltd

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Today we can't avoid computers. They're everywhere and like it or not can have a big impact on the success we have in our personal and business lives.  The trick is to get them working for you and to take full advantage of the opportunities that technological advances offer.

Here at Mondo we're all about helping you to make the right technology choices for your needs and to get the most out of the technology you have. When it comes to client relationships we are in it for the long term and our aim is to be your trusted advisor on technology matters.

At Mondo we apply our skills and experience to provide a broad range of services of value to businesses and homes. From IT Consultancy and Project Management to Manged Services and Online Backup to Support Services and Repairs/Upgrades.  We're making IT happen.

Our carefully selected hardware and software suppliers have product ranges desiged to cover the needs of most businesses and homes.  With few exceptions everything we sell is ordered in specfically for you so you can be sure that it will be a very good fit with what you need. If there is a specific need not covered by our existing suppliers then we are happy to source a solution for you.

For more information on how we could assist with your particular needs please contact Ross Coutts.


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